PM Service Now Streaming


In loving worship to our God, we answer His call on our lives, to “Go and make disciples of all the nations..”

– Matthew 28:19

And how can they preach unless they are sent?

– Romans 10:15

We follow the example and direction of Jesus when He said, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”

– John 20:21

May all that we do as goers or senders, bring His light to the world so that

“all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God and that there is no other.”
–1 Kings 8:60

Calvary Chapel Modesto supports these like-minded international and national missionaries and organizations through prayer, communication, financial means, and when possible, short-term trips to the field.

For more information about our missionaries, click on their picture.



