Providing Life-Saving Care to Dorian Survivors

I’ve just returned from the Bahamas, where I met with our Samaritan’s Purse team on the ground who are working day and night to help the victims of Hurricane Dorian. The devastation is hard to fathom.

Dorian was a Category 5 storm that churned in the same place for two days. I don’t know how the islands weren’t completely swept away.

“I’ve never seen a hurricane like this in my life.” —Dorian survivor

On Grand Bahama, I visited our Emergency Field Hospital that we airlifted and set up next to the flooded-out hospital in Freeport. Our mobile hospital is the only one functioning in the entire northern Bahamas, and our doctors and nurses have already cared for more than 700 people. Many of them would receive no medical care if we were not there.

I met several of these patients, some who were injured during the storm and others were dealing with untreated life-threatening diseases. One of them was an older man named Kristna who is suffering from congestive heart failure and rode out the storm in his home near the ocean. He said he has seen a lot of hurricanes, but, “I’ve never seen a hurricane like this in my life.”

The northern Bahamas are covered with the splintered debris of houses and fishing boats. We are in the process of bringing in heavy equipment to clean up the devastation and start the process of restoring homes and churches. We’ve also airlifted over 200 tons of tarps, water filtration units, and other relief supplies.

It’s going to take years for the Bahamas to recover, and the people there really need our prayers. Samaritan’s Purse is committed to staying as long as we are needed. We want to share the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many as we can. We appreciate the gifts and prayers of people like you. May God bless you.


Franklin Graham
President, Samaritan’s Purse
