General Resources
Reasonable Faith
Reasonable Faith is a ministry by William Lane Craig devoted to defending Christianity against all of its critics. Access to podcasts, video debates, and interviews can be found on this link.
This website of Charlie Campbell provides many links to help readers understand the many issues confronting Christians.
Stand To Reason
Stand to Reason is the apologetic ministry of Greg Koukl. This website has links to his podcasts, blog, and hundreds of articles.
Cross Examined
Cross Examined is a ministry by Frank Turek which is devoted to providing biblical responses to challenges of the Christian faith. Many resources are also available in Spanish.
Albert Mohler- The Briefing
The Briefing is a daily audio summary of current events from a Christian perspective.
Reasonable Faith Debate Videos
William Lane Craig debates noted atheists and other critics of Christianity. Written transcripts are also available for easy reference.
The Debate That Never Was – Hawkins vs Craig
Richard Dawkins was invited by the Oxford student Christian Union to defend his book The God Delusion in public debate with William Lane Craig. The invitation remained open until the last minute. However, Dawkins refused the challenge and his chair remained empty. Craig then gave a lecture to a capacity audience on the weaknesses of the central arguments of the book, and responded to a panel of academics.
Does God Exist?
William Lane Craig debates Christopher Hitchens about whether God exists or not.
The God Debate 2 – Harris vs Craig
Atheist neuroscientist Sam Harris and Evangelical Christian apologist William Lane Craig debate the topic: “Is Good From God?”
Dr. Andy Bannister – Understanding and Answering Atheist Friends
Dr. Andy Bannister addresses a congregation for an hour on the topic of “Understanding and Answering Atheist Friends.”
Dr. Lisle – Best Argument for the Existence of God
Dr. Lisle graduated summa cum laude from Ohio Wesleyan University where he double-majored in physics and astronomy and minored in mathematics. He did graduate work at the University of Colorado where he earned a Masters degree and a PhD in Astrophysics. This article examines the claims of atheism and refutes them with Science and the Bible.
The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist
This insightful book by Andy Bannister examines the arguments from leading atheists and shows how their reasoning is inconsistent.
I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist
This well-documented book considers common objections to Christianity and provides a biblical response.
Creation and Evolution
Answers In Genesis
Answers in Genesis is a ministry devoted to showing the scientific basis for creationism. Their many books, videos, and articles provide evidence to support the biblical record of creation.
Institute for Creation Research
The Institute for Creation Research was founded by Dr. Henry Morris in 1970. Their goal is to provide quality resources in areas of creation science and biblical studies.
Voice Of The Martyrs
Voice of the Martyrs serves persecuted Christians through practical and spiritual assistance, while leading other members of the Body of Christ into fellowship with them.
Samaritan’s Purse
Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world.
Calvary Chapel Association
The Calvary Chapel Association website has a church locator as well as links to conferences, missions, and resources for the Calvary Chapel Movement.
The Table Podcast
The Table is a weekly podcast by Dallas Theological Seminary on topics related to God, Christianity, and culture.
Love and Respect – Blog
A blog devoted to explaining the teachings of Dr. Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs
Love and Respect – Video
Research reveals that during marital conflict, a husband most often reacts unlovingly when feeling disrespected, and a wife reacts disrespectfully when feeling unloved. This ministry is committed to restoring love and respect in marriage. This forty-five minute video will help explain these concepts.
Love and Respect – Book
Research reveals that during marital conflict, a husband most often reacts unlovingly when feeling disrespected, and a wife reacts disrespectfully when feeling unloved. This book is committed to restoring love and respect in marriage.
Don McClure Marriage Conference
Marriage Conference with Don and Jeannie McClure at Calvary Chapel Modesto, 2015
A Marriage Without Regrets
This book isn’t about how to have a perfect marriage, or to change our spouses,”. “It’s about having the kind of marriage where you can stand before God and say, ‘Lord, I was all that You intended me to be.’ Only when we make that kind of commitment can we truly have a marriage without regrets!”
The Exemplary Husband
This is a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the church.
The Excellent Wife
The Excellent Wife is an absolute must for women today. This book is a welcomed first because it is a Scriptural based, systematic and practical work for today’s women. Within its pages is a detailed portrait of a godly wife. Not only is the standard high and godly, but this book demonstrates that by God’s grace, it is attainable.
Family Matters Q&A
Family Matters is a non-profit ministry whose goal is to see families transformed by God’s grace into instruments of restoration and reformation by equipping families for every age and stage of life. These Q&A topics will be very helpful for parents.
Hope for Children of Single Parents
Hope for Children of Single Parents is a Focus ont the Family online article by Angela Thomas.
The Smart Blended Marriage
The Smart Blended Family is a collection of articles by Focus on the Family.
Grace Based Parenting
Dr. Kimmel offers hope and practical ways to approach parenting with grace toward children as parents train their children up in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. Grace Based Parenting focuses on the model of grace used by God when loving, disciplining, leading, and influencing His children to live a Jesus-centered life.
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family
Paul Tripp presents parents with fourteen foundational principles centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul Tripp shows that parents need to communicate the rescuing grace of God and its power to shape every aspect of life with God.
Are Single Years a Gift from God?
A video teaching by Marshall Segal
Christian Singlehood
An online article and video by Tony Evans
The King’s Teaching on Singleness
A video teaching by Gino Geraci
Practical Advice for Singles
An article and audio teaching by Steven J. Cole
Not Yet Married: The Pursuit of Joy in Singleness and Dating
A book by Marshall Segal
Redeeming Singleness: How the Story-line of Scripture Affirms the Single Life
A book by Barry Danylak
www.alwaysbeready.com – Homosexuality
This website of Charlie Campbell provides many links to help readers understand the many issues related to homosexuality
www.focusonthefamily.com – Struggling with same-sex Attractions
www.focusonthefamily.com – Responding to a “Gay Christian” in the Family
These two sites hosted by Focus on the Family provide practical information for families struggling with homosexual issues.
Patti Height Testimony
Patti Height from Calvary Chapel Old Bridge shares her testimony and journey out of lesbianism in this two-hour video church presentation.
Q&A with Rosaria Butterfield
This one-hour video is the Q&A with Rosaria Butterfield from the 2015 ACBC Annual Conference on Homosexuality: Compassion, Care, and Counsel for Struggling People.
Jesus, Scripture, and the Myth of New Knowledge Arguments about Homosexual Unions
Dr. Gagnon addresses the myth that we have radically new knowledge today about homosexuality that allows us to discount the biblical witness on homosexual practice or to claim its affirmation of loving homosexual relationships
Openness Unhindered
A book by Dr. Rosaria Butterfield addresses issues of same-sex marriage, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gay Christians.
When Homosexuality Hits Home
A book by Joe Dallas, the past president of Exodus International. He deals biblically and compassionately with issues that may arise when family members or friends disclose to you that they are gay.
The Absurdity of Transgenderism: A Stern but Necessary Critique
This article posted by the Witherspoon Institute offer a strong critique of the Transgender Movement and Gender Reassignment Surgery.
A Gospel-Centered Assessment of Gender Identity, Transgender, and Polygamy
Denny Burk offers a forty-five-minute video on a Gospel-Centered Assessment of Gender Identity, Transgender, Polygamy, and the future of marriage.
Books for Men:
· “5 Steps To Breaking Free From Porn” by Joe Dallas.
Synopsis: This small book provides readers with a practical five-step plan for breaking free from the cycle of pornography, with an emphasis on biblically-based principles, Five Steps to Breaking Free from Porn points the way to freedom and gives readers the tools they need to put the porn habit behind them forever.
· “Finally Free: Fighting For Purity With The Power Of Grace” by Heath Lambert.
Synopsis: Lays out eight gospel-centered strategies for overcoming the deceitful lure of pornography. Each chapter clearly demonstrates how the gospel applies to this particular battle and how Jesus can move readers from a life of struggle to a life of purity.
· “Every Man’s Battle” by Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker.
Synopsis: Shares the stories of dozens who have escaped the trap of sexual immorality and presents a practical, detailed plan for any man who desires sexual integrity.
· “Sexual Detox: A Guide For Guys Who Are Sick Of Porn” by Tim Challies.
Synopsis: Reorient your understanding of sex, both in the big picture and in the act itself, according to God’s plan for this great gift.
Single Men:
· “Sexual Detox: A Guide For The Single Guy (PDF)” by Tim Challies:
Synopsis: Intended specifically for young men who are not yet married but hope to be married in the future. This short guide helps you discover God’s plan for sex and sexuality. It tracks down the lies you have believed about sex and replaces them with the truth that comes straight from God, the One who created sex for us.
Synopsis: A support group that is web based. Blocks sites on devices, tracks web use and has access to mentors.
Synopsis: An internet accountability service designed to help you overcome porn by monitoring your internet activity, safeguarding families, and sending a report to a trusted friend who holds you accountable for your online choices. Intro to Covenant Eyes for accountability and safe guarding: Rebuilding Trust
· Nate Larkin Video Testimony:
Synopsis: Addicted to hard-core pornography yet serving in ministry, he lived a double life and constantly feared being caught – ruining his reputation.
· “Purity Is Possible” by Helen Thorne.
Synopsis: Purity is possible explores how women can be free from the trap of sexual fantasy, pornography, and guilt.
· “A Christian Woman’s Guide To Breaking Free From Pornography: It’s Not Just A Guy’s Problem” by Shelley Hitz.
Synopsis: This book is a resource to young girls and women alike regarding their struggle with sexual addictions. You will find encouraging testimonies from women and various strategies for resisting temptation in order to break free from pornography.
· “Beggar’s Daughter” by Jessica Harris.
Synopsis: Incorporating statistics and stories from girls that Jessica has worked with, and excerpts from her own journals, she gives readers a candid glimpse into the heart, mind, and struggle of a female porn addict.
Synopsis: A support group that is web based. Blocks sites on devices, tracks web use and has access to mentors.
Synopsis: An internet accountability service designed to help you overcome porn by monitoring your internet activity, safeguarding families, and sending a report to a trusted friend who holds you accountable for your online choices. Intro to Covenant Eyes for accountability and safe guarding: Rebuilding Trust
Synopsis: Jessica Harries author of the book, “Beggar’s Daughter,” started this website to share her story and help women and girls know they are not alone in their struggles. It is her passion to help change the conversation and to help build communities where women find hope and healing.
· “When Your Husband Is Addicted To Pornography: Healing Your Wounded Heart” by Vicki Tiede.
Synopsis: Vicki Tiede, writing from personal experience, gently guides women toward God and away from despair. Through daily readings and questions on six important topics: hope, surrender, trust, identity, brokenness, and forgiveness, you will grow in healing and hope. Allowing God to meet your greatest needs is a long and learned process, but He promises to help you every step of the way.
· Jon & Laney Wooten Video Testimony
· Pornography Addiction in Marriage
· “How God Makes Babies” by Jim Burns
Synopsis: An age-appropriate introduction to basic sexuality, helping children ages 6 to 9 understand that God created males and females differently and with a purpose, emphasizing that God is a part of each family from conception to death.
· “The Talk: 7 Lessons To Introduce Your Child To Biblical Sexuality” by Luke Gilkerson.
Synopsis: A series of 7 studies, all anchored in the Scriptures, that helps parents talk meaningfully with children, ages 6-10 years old, about sexuality at a level they can understand.
Synopsis: Seeks to help parents “porn-proof” their kids before they come across highly addictive and easily accessible internet pornography. Additionally, this website offers guidance for families whose children have already been hurt by pornography, and hopes to serve as a “force multiplier” by empowering proactive people who want to educate their local communities.
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