James 1
Enticing and alluring it draws you in
Using the shadows hidden deep within
Stealthy and quiet it hardly moves
Sin lies at the door and its desire’s for you (Genesis 4:7)
A hunt is afoot, and you are the mark
Now you’re in trouble from your very own heart
Lured from the safety of self-restraint
You’ve just been hooked and your desire’s the bait
It’s never just lust
No matter the person the problem’s the same,
Our hearts are bent towards trouble
Help comes from the One who never tempts anyone
But promises to save the humble
When lust has conceived it gives birth to sin
and when sin is accomplished it never gives in – it consumes
‘til it brings forth death
Do not be deceived my beloved brethren (James 1:15-16)
No matter the person the problem’s the same,
Our hearts are bent towards trouble
Help comes from the One who never tempts anyone
But promises to save the humble