God has graciously given His children the incredible privilege of being vessels of His glory. As we surrender our lives and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit who indwells us, using our gifts and talents for God’s kingdom-purposes, Jesus is revealed through our lives and we become GloryLit.
We acknowledge that God’s glory is perfectly expressed through the life of Jesus Christ as revealed by the word of God. As we each walk out upon His exceedingly great and precious promises from His word in faith, obedience and surrender, we experience His divine nature and through our lives, the world can see His image and His glory.
Each moment we have breath, is an opportunity for worship as we respond to His great work of salvation in our lives. As we each surrender to His glorious Kingdom Purpose for our lives, this daily response of life-worship is God’s intended purpose for each person and we experience the soul-satisfaction that our hearts long for.
A GloryLit life brings honor and praise to God, and to this end we encourage, equip, support and give opportunity for others to express their life-worship for His glory. Together we proclaim the life changing message of Jesus Christ within our church and the broader community.