Hi Gala Ticketholders!

The Modesto Pregnancy Center Gala is 2 weeks away and you have purchased a dinner ticket to sit with us at the tables we reserved for Calvary Chapel Modesto/Embrace Life that evening.

I have your dinner tickets and I wanted to let you know the 3 ways you can collect your dinner ticket in between now and the Gala:

  • Pick up your ticket from CC Modesto’s front office during work hours.

  • Pick up your ticket from the Information Counter in the Fellowship Hall this Sunday (9/8) or next Sunday (9/15).

  • Pick up your ticket at our Saturday Embrace Life Office Work Day (9/14) in Room 301/302 if you have signed up to attend.

Although in the past, no one has collected the tickets on the evening of the Gala, the ticket does represent the dinner that you’ve purchased AND your ticket is also a reminder of the event and includes relevant details (date, time, etc.) that can be handy at the last minute.

Let me know if you have any questions.

🙂 Lucy Abbey,

Embrace Life

CC Modesto

