Serve with Embrace Life
Join our Helps Team
“Blessed are those who consider the helpless…” Psalm 41:1a
Our Helps Team is the hands and feet of Jesus in practical ways as we stand for life. We minister to those in our body and our community as we express the love of Christ and promote God’s definition of life.
As we prepare for Embrace Life Events at our fellowship, become aware of needs within our body, or at Modesto Pregnancy Center we let our Helps Team know those opportunities. Those who are able and would like to can sign-up to serve and participate as they are led.
We also send out monthly updates to our Helps Team to share what God is up to related to the Embrace Life Ministry as a whole.
Join our Embrace Life Prayer Team
“men always ought to pray and not lose heart,” Luke 18:1
Would you like to join our Embrace Life Prayer Team and receive opportunities to pray?
If so, you will receive appx 1-3 email/texts per month as we send out a monthly ministry update & prayer requests.